Relocation Attorney In Louisiana
Relocation after a divorce can be common, but child custody in the state of Louisiana does not come with unlimited rights. You may be looking to move away to another city or state with your child, but did you know you must have permission from the court to do so? Louisiana law is very specific when it comes to relocation. If you’re looking to relocate or stop your ex from relocating with your child/children, it’s important that you understand relocation laws.

Relocation Laws in Louisiana
In Louisiana, the Relocation Statute applies when one parent, or someone with custody of the child, wants to relocate outside of the state to establish a principal residence of the child. The statute also applies when the principal residence of a child is moving more than 75 miles from the home of the other parent, if there is no custody order in place (in the state of Louisiana). The statute will apply if there is a custody order in place for a parent trying to move more than 75 miles from the principal residence of the child or children.
In relocation situations the court tends to place a higher burden on a parent who intends to move away with their child. Many moves are made with intentions that are good, but there are also those that are done out of spite. Our experienced family law attorneys at Rozas understand that these are difficult cases and we can help you to build a strong case by focusing on facts.
Contact a Family Law Attorney in Louisiana
The attorneys at Rozas are skilled and knowledgeable when it comes to handling the relocation process. We strive to help parents do what is right for themselves and their children. If you’re looking to relocate with your child or stop your ex from relocating with your child, it’s important that you contact an experienced family law attorney in Louisiana today. Contact us today at 225-341-6945 to schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys.
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